Master Teachers

Thursday, 30 April 2009

What is Spitirual Law and Justice

Here i will discuss the spiritual laws that each indvidual must overstand, i am simply outlining what your ancient way of life was about, when mankind overstood what it meant to be close to the most high, to be united with their spiritual side.

Ma'at is the Kemetic principle that represents spiritual law, order and love. it is interesting that they put law and love together in the same principle because in their philosophical view law was not about force and punishment. Instead it is/was the natural outcome of love which is, in the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen (a book author), the expression of our oneness with each other and with The most high.

Unlike the 10 Commandments (which were stolen from the 42 negative confessions, see the 11 laws of God are not a finite list of Dos and Donts. Instead, they are principles which the Creator set in motion so we can live a victorious life if we live by them.

Western culture has programmed us to go from pleasure to pain, pleasure to pain according to circumstances outside our control. We seek to maximize the circumstances that bring us pleasure and minimize the ones that bring us pain.

Kemetic (An ancient black race) overstanding teaches us that many of the emotions we experience are programmed reactions to circumstances. The Creator has given us the tools to deprogram and reprogram our reactions so we can instead respond in a way that is conducive to our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health. We go from pleasure to peace to pleasure to peace. Isn't faith enough to do all this? Don't be afraid to be honest. We know many people who believe very strongly that God has provided all their needs and yet they have no lasting joy or self control because they are constantly waylayed by emotional ups and downs So we must learn to rise above emotions (energy in motion)

The Kemau recognized the Self as the true individual with the personality as the part of our makeup which houses our e-motions and can be programmed. Society has already programmed us through the media to be "conformed to this world."

Isn't it time for us to start prograamming ourselves to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds?"

Here are the 11 laws (in Green).

For a full explanation of these principles be sure to pick up a copy of Amen's book Ma'at: The 11 Laws of God.

0. Law of Amen
You were created in the likeness of a peace which cannot be disturbed. Regain your original state of peace to attain to your reason for coming into existance--the enjoyment of life.

1. Law of Ausar
Your nature is an unconquerable peace. Therefore, nothing and no one in the world can be against you. All experiences come to you to promote your reclamation of peace, that you may in turn acquire wisdom and power.

2. Law of Tehuti
When your thoughts, feelings and actions reflect the Word of God then the power of God’s spirit and a peace that nothing can challenge will flow through your being.

3. Law of Sekher
When the emotions of Man manifest in respense to the Word of God they have the power to influence any and all events in the world.

4. Law of Ma’at
God needs you in order to come into the world. Fulfilling God’s need is the highest act of love and only through your love for God can you fulfill your love for others. Become God’s love in the world for the protection of the world.

5. Law of Herukhutt
Know that God neither punishes nor rewards nor protects. You will have the comfort of controlling these for yourself.

6. Law of Heru
You have the power but not the right to ignore God’s law. Choose to follow God’s law with the love and joy that comes from understanding and the wisdom and power of God’s spirit will flow through your being.

7. Law of Het-Heru
It is not what you imagine but who is imagining. Are you a human or a divine being?

8. Law of Sebek
It’s not what you think or affirm. It’s who is thinking or affirming. Are you a human or divine being?

9. Law of auset
Prepare to sacrifice everything to become the vessel of God on earth and you will, in trn, receive everything.

10. Law of Geb
Know that from heaven you came and to heaven you will return; seek not enduring works on earth.
Yes i said 11, but who taught you that numbers started from 1 lol

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