Your E-motions are nothing more than Energy in Motion, you must learn to control them not follow them because...
(As the Kemetic Proverb goes)
“Glory, like a shadow, flies from they who pursue it; but it follows at the heels of they who would fly from it; if you court it without merit, you shall never attain it; if you deserve it, though you hide your self, it will never forsake you.”“The body was created to be subservient to the SOUL; while YOU afflict the soul for the body’s pain, behold YOU SET the body above it. As the wise afflict not their garment; so the patient grieve not their Soul because that which covers it is injured.”
This is knowledge our ancestors knew way before european invaders stole and mascaraded it as their own knowledge, go back to the orignal you, do not be fooled into thinking you were nothing but evil pagan worshipers, go back to your lost memories (lost past) and re-discover yourself. There you will become Wise, and you will become virtuous, and you will learn not to follow your emotions, because you overstand that they are nothing more than energy in motion, which needs to be controlled, hence the saying "control your emotions".
Very true!!...This society is always trying to stir up our emotions with the media, both visually and in the emotive language they use. We must learn to listen to the small voice within rather thn acting irrationally