Master Teachers

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Ten Commandments or 42 negative confessions - written by Ka-Sebai-Ba

Christians, Jews, Muslims....Does this seem familiar to you...

I have not done iniquity.
I have not robbed with violence.
I have not stolen.
I have done no murder, I have done no harm.
I have not defrauded offerings.
I have not diminished obligations.
I have not plundered the Netcher.
I have not spoken lies.
I have not snatched away food.
I have not caused pain.
I have not committed fornication.
I have not caused shedding of tears.
I have not dealt deceitfully.
I have not transgressed.
I have not acted guilefully.
I have not laid waste the ploughed land.
I have not been an eavesdropper.
I have not set my lips in motion (against any man).
I have not been angry and wrathful except for a just cause.
I have not defiled the wife of any man.
I have not defiled the wife of any man. (repeated twice)
I have not polluted myself.
I have not cause terror.
I have not transgressed. (repeated twice)
I have not burned with rage.
I have not stopped my ears against the words of Right and Truth (Ma'at).
I have not worked grief.
I have not acted with insolence.
I have not stirred up a strife.
I have not judged hastily.
I have not been an eavesdropper. (repeated twice)
I have not multiplied words exceedingly.
I have not done neither harm nor ill.
I have never cursed the King.
I have never fouled the water.
I have not spoken scornfully.
I have never cursed the Netcher.
I have not stolen.
I have not defrauded the offerings of the Netcher.
I have not plundered the offerings to the blessed dead.
I have not filched the food of the infant, neither have I sinned against the Netcher of my native town.
I have not slaughtered with evil intent the cattle of the Netcher.

No this is not your ten commandments, neither is it a copy of it, these are the Original Afrikan — Kemetic spiritual "42 Declarations of Innocence" "42 Admonitions of Ma'at" "42 Negative Confessions.

And this is where your bible, has plagiarized and transformed, them into ten commandments, to control your mind, by changing the tone from "I have not to Thou shalt NOT" ( things that make you go... hmmmm)


Hi Seth, thanks for your comment... pls see below...

These "Negative Confessions" represent the FIRST moral code of ethics invented for a people to live by on a daily basis. Afrikans invented these moral codes in the B.C. era.
These were developed before there was a Christian Holy Bible or an Islamic Holy Qur'an. It took the ancient Afrikans fifty generations or 1,200 years to develop these moral, spiritual codes. The reason why there are 42 "Confessions" is because there were 42 "Districts" or "Provinces" which the ancient Kemites — Afrikans — Egyptians called "Sepat". When the Greeks (the world's first Europeans) conquered Kemet in 332 B.C., they re—named them "Nomes".
At that time also, there were ten categories of sins in Kemet (Egypt). Thus, the ten categories of sins that Moses, the Afrikan, used as the basis to formulate the so—called "Ten Commandments" already existed. They are as follows:

1 -"General sins against people"
2- "Crimes against a person"
3- "Crimes against the Gods"
4- "Crimes against the King"
5- "Crimes against the Dead"
6- "Crimes against animals"
7- "Crimes against Property"
8- "Fraud"
9- "Faults of morals and character"(1)
10- "Faults of morals and character"(11)

As such it did not take a genius in rocket science or advanced calculus to collapse 42 into 10 and that's precisely what the former Egyptian High Priest Moses did. Nothing more; nothing less.

These are the Derived Euro — Christian religious "Ten Commandments"

1 -I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. (41)
2- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image...
3- Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain...(7, 37, 41)
4- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy...
5 -Honor thy father and thy mother. (1, 12, 28)
6 -Thou shalt not kill. (4)
7- Thou shalt not commit adultery. (11, 20, 21)
8 -Thou shalt not steal. (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 39, 40)
9- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor (8, 13, 18, 29)
10 -Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house or wife... (13, 20, 21, 29, 33)

Their derivative from the original 42 "Negative Confessions" are shown at the end of each. In other words, the modern-day Euro-Christian "Ten Commandments" did not come or were received from God above; they are Afrikan — Kemetic in origin.

In this regard, one must clearly understand that there is a vast difference between original Afrikan spirituality and derived Euro-Christian religion. Spirituality is defined as the direct connection, relationship and interaction with the universe, cosmos, nature and that spiritual God — force, Amen-Ra "the giver/creator of life" (as outlined in your bible in Revelation 3 verse 14).

"Religion is defined as the deification of a people's cultural experiences, politics and political power control intent. And this is precisely why Moses had to change the 42 "Confessions" which represented a daily way of life and being into "Commandments" as a medium for power, force and control of his people's daily lives.Afrikan people need to understand that in the B.C. era, Afrika was known as "the land of spiritual people".

As a result of European supremacy, Afrika and Afrikans globally have been transformed into a "religious people" in the A.D. era to our powerless detriment. Afrikans have lost their original spirituality. Afrikan people also need to understand that in the B.C. era, ALL the Gods were Black; now in the A.D. era, All the Gods are White.

This represents European religious power-control supremacy at its zenith. Now is the time in this 21st millennium for Afrikans on the Continent and in the Diaspora to retrieve, recapture, relocate, reclaim, reconnect, reorient and re-enact their original spirituality on a daily basis 24-7-365 as the most potent weapon in their armory to survive and empower themselves. Nothing else will do.

Shem Hotep ("I go in peace")


  1. these lists are not similar at all, except for stealing, murder, and adultery.. which is 3 out of the 10 commandments. you're stupid

  2. Hi Seth, thanks for your comment, your are right i am stupid.. i should of shown where the similarities are for those who don't want to take the time to research. Please find this has now been included above.

    Peace and love. Hotep

  3. I just saw another sitr with almost the exact wording in this one. Are you a professor at Kent State?

  4. The similarities are there between the Hebrews & Egyptians (and a lot of other civilisations) but then it does not take a genius to work out that for a civilisation to thrive, there must be general rules of conduct & as humans, it is natural for us to have a feeling of a need for a higher purpose so there will always be rules relating to worship.

    However, there are major differences - the ancient Egyptians would've baulked at being told not to worship graven images or not being allowed to work on Sunday, no eating pork, shell fish etc; worshipping only ONE god etc etc.

    Jumping to a conclusion that the similarities means one set of rules was derived from another is incorrect.

  5. Love truth a difference between confessing from your heart nd taking orders from a man who formed his own occult nd perverted the laws !!

  6. Already familiar with this myself :) But I like your post and appreciate your reaction to Seth because this is the true problem... people want shortcuts to knowledge they are lazy (one of the 6 sins).


Truth Seekers