Here are some FACTs about your true spirituality, before it was tampered, and perverted by european invaders, then re-told to you as evil.
Falsehood - Kemetians worshipped the sun
Fact - They worshipped the divine spirit in the sun.
For the ancient Kemau (peoples of ancient Kemet) the sun was/is a symbol of the life giving power of the most high. If you walk into a Church and see people gathered around the altar praying and crying and dancing in a fit would not say that they are worshipping the altar.
But coming close to the altar is a physical expression of coming close to "Their God" in the mind and spirit of the worshipper. It is the same with the Kemau and the sun, but we have been indoctrinated to believe that they worship the sun by those who want to think they are the only one's who know "God".
Falsehood - Egyptians are polytheist
Fact - The Kemau recognized one Creator of all things and they worshipped him/her in many different aspects according to his/her attributes as they manifested in the lives of the people.
The Israelites (Is-Ra-El) would later (many thousands of years later) follow this same practice when they called God by many names--Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rafah, Jehovah Shalom, etc. By demonizing the Kemau the Is-ra-elites did not have to acknowledge their spiritual indepttedness to them.
But as their name clearly shows (Is-Ra-El = Isis, Amen Ra, El), they are and still follow the kemetic system, but in a twisted disgused way, however, everytime you pray, be it Jewish, Christian or Islamic, you always end by saying Amen... Think about that for a second... mmm Amen-Ra. Your religions, came from us, they are nothing more than a watered down version, filled with many lies and deceptions.
(things that make you go... hmmm)
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